We can return to kingdom of heavenwith eternal life (Rev 21:1~4). The Spirit and the bride together give us the water of life, the eternal life, appearing in the flesh in this age.
Do you know the reason why we have to believe in God the Mother in this age?
Jer 31:31~33[ " The time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.~ ~ " This is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the Lord. : I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.]
Here, we can find out God's will that through the New Covenant we can become God's people. We come to have something to do with God only through this New Covenant. This is God's promise.
Then, what does the New Covenant represent in the bible?
The New Covenant represents God the Mother !! Let's confirm this!!

Abraham in the bible stands for God the Father (Lk 16:19~25).
And Hagar, the slave woman, stands for the earthly Jerusalem(Gal 4:25) !!
Then, what does Sarah stand for?
**Hagar stands for the eatrhly Jerusalem, and Sarah stands for the heavenly Jerusalem.
**Hagar represents the Old Testament, and Sarah represents the New Testament(Gal 4:24).
**Earthly Jerusalem - the Old Testament : Heavenly Jerusalem - the New Testament
So, we can say that the New Covenant in Jer 31:31~33) means God the Mother(Gal 4:26).
Now,God the Mother has come in the flesh, dwelling with WMSCOG!!
Only when we receive God the Mother, keeping the New Testament, we become God's Children!
Without believing in God the Mother, it is impossible to returning to heavenly home !!
You can learn more about heavenly Mother in http://www.wmscog.org/ !!
Amen! Eternal life God promised us can only be given through God the Mother.
답글삭제Ever heard about God the Mother??
답글삭제To hear the word, "God the Mother", is the blessing from Elohim God. God the Mother has come in the flesh to seek and to save us, heavenly lost children!!
Only those who receive [God the Mother]will be born again as heavenly children!! Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed [God the Mother], the most precious "treasure" in the whole world!!