The Holy Spirit and the Bride together give us the water of life in this last age, appearing in the flesh!!
Christ Ahnsahnghong is our God the Father and heavenly Jerusalem is our God the Mother!!
Life is given to us only through father and mother.Then who can give us our spiritual life??
Rev 4:11 ["You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created
all things, and by your will they were created and have their being"]
Here, God said that everything were created by God's will! Bird in the sky,fish in the sea, flower in field,.....!
Every living creature also contains God' will. What is God's will??
That is life!! : Every living creature has the same thing. That is life!!
Life is given to them only through their father and mother. Without exception!!
This fact is very amazing and miraculous in my opion!! How about you??
And this fact written in the bible has somthing to do with our salvation!!
We have two lives. Physical and spiritual!!
* Someone gave us our physical life, and we call them "father and mother".
Without father and mother, we cannot exist!!! Do you think so??
But they gave us only physical life, not spiritual life.
* Our spirit exist, so we can think and feel.
The existence of our spirit is the concrete evidence that spiritual Father and Mother exist!!
Why?? Without Father and Mother, no life!!
* And mother finally give birth to a child!!
So it is clear that spiritual Father and Mother exist and through them we can receive spiritual life!!
Who is our rpiritual Father??
Heb 12:9~10 [Moreover, we have all had human fathers~. How much more should we submit
to the Father of our spirits and live. Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought
best ; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.]
* As you see, God is our spiritual Father!!
Then, Father and Mother always together exist!!
So the existence of God the Father shows the existence of God the Mother!!
Gal 4:26 [But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.]
God the Father always says that we have also spiritual Mother through the bible!!
Now is the time to listen to the voice of spiritual Father!!
w ho appeared in the flesh into this earth!!
According to this essay, Human has spiritual mother. And through Spiritual Father and Mother we can get spiritual life. I agree with this opinion. Because it based on the Bible :-)