2012년 1월 11일 수요일

Christ Ahnsahnghong who gives us the Law / World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Mother : www.wmscog.org

World Mission Society Church of God believes in Elohim God.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is the 2nd Coming Christ who has restored the Law of God, the New Covenant. And God the Mother is the bride who gives us the water of life together with the Spirit.
Rev. 22:17 [The Spirit and  the bride say, " Come! "  ~Whoever is thirsty, let him come;
            and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.]

Have you ever heard about Christ's Law?
God gave us the Law for our salvation.  The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ.
1 Co 9:9~21 [~ the Law of Moses~ To those not having the Law I became like one not having the Law ( though I am not free from God's Law but am under Christ's Law), so as to win those not having the Law.]
 Here, Apostle Paul told about the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ. Since the Coming of Christ, we are under the Law of Christ, not the Law of Moses. This is God's will. But some people say that we are no longer under the Law after the Resurrection and only through the belief we can enter the kingdom of heaven.
Of course, we need not follow the Law of Moses. Why?
Because we are living in the age of the New Covenant, and are given the Law of Christ.
Heb 7:7, 13 [For if there had been nothing wrong with the first covenant, no place would have been
          sought  for another /   By calling this covenant " new ", he has made the first one obsolete; and
         waht is  obsolete and aging will soon disappear.]
Moses' Law was from God, so it is perfect itself. However, we cannot follow everything. So we cannot hope the kingdom of heaven. This is why God gave us the New Covenant, Christ' Law.

What is the relationship between the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ?
Heb 7:12 [For when there is a change of the priesthood,
                                               there must also be a change of the Law.]
As you see, Christ' Law is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses.

Mt 5:17 [" Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or Prophets;
                 I have not come  to abolish them  but to fulfill them.] , Jesus said.

Then, one question!
Why did God give us the Law of Christ?
Why should we follow God's commandments?     We must find the answer!
Isa 51:7~9 [ " Here me, ~  you people who have my Law in your hearts: ~
       ~  But my righteousness will last forevert, my salvation through all generations." ]
Here, God clearly said that only those who has the Law of God in their hearts is God's people
          and they will be saved.       This is very important message!!
If you truly belong to God, you must remember and follow the commandments of God!!
However, if someone claims to believe in God, not following the teachings of God,
                 then, he must be only a liar.

Jesus, who is in very nature God, gave us His Law, the New Covenant.
You can find out easily through the bible.
The Sabbath [ Lk 4:16], the Passover[ Mt 26:17~28, Lk 22:7:20],the Covering[ 1 Co 11:1~16],. . . .

In this age, these truths, the Law of Christ, were restored by Christ Ahnsahnghong!!
Christ Ahnsahnghong wants to save us through the New Covenant!

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